WHMCS Addon Module

Explore the ways you can earn additional reveune!


This easy to use WHMCS Module, will enable your existing platform to begin selling blockcain names as an additional revenue stream.

Or if you would like to operate a fully automated system to resell Blockchain Names, this is the most complete solution available.


  • Fully Automated
  • Low Overhead
  • Repeat Sales
  • Statistical Data
  • EndUser Support
  • Earn Over 50%

End User / Customer

  • Easy to use!
  • Manage Multilpe Names
  • Resell Names
  • Transfer Names
  • Assign Digital Assets
  • Share Digital Assets

Total Names

20,000 +





Active Applications

Our Functions

Functions are at the very core of the Blockchain Name. Functions give the names thier utility.

New Functions can be proposed and if accepted can be purchased directly.

  • KEY - Public Keys
  • IPFS - IPFS File CID
  • NFT - Contract Address
  • URL - Website URL (WEB2)
  • GAMES - Modern Games
  • DATA - Data Spaces
  • METAVERSE - Any Metaverse Asset
  • SOCIAL - Social Medial Data
  • SEARCH - Search Directories
  • EMAIL - Decentralized Email
  • SHOP - Shopping Networks
  • RE - Real Estate


BNS Module Demo

Customer Viewpoint

Browse screenshots of a basic customer experience while using the BNS Module.

Admin Viewpoint

Browse screenshots of a BNS Module addon Administration functions and settings.


Module demo from the customer point of view

Client Area - Product List

Once the customer logs into the client area of the control panel, they will see our products in the active product list on the home screen. We easily integrate into any existing WHMCS platform, or have this serve as your engagement with clients looking to buy and manage blockchain names.
Click on a product and enter the BNS Module experience.


BNS Module - Blockchain Names Homepage

Users can easily access all blockchain names they own and edit the settings for each name independently.


BNS Module - For Sale

We supply the needed interface to place blockchain names for sale on the marketplace.


BNS Module - Listed For Sale

Once your blockcian name is listed for sale you will be able to view or cancel your listing.


BNS Module - Marketplace Listing

A view of an active listing on the marketplace. Buyers may purchase or make an offer to the seller.


BNS Module - Minted NFT

All Blockchain Names are instantly minted as an NFT (erc-721) on the NEC Blockchain


BNS Module - Blockchain Name List

Easily view your listed blockchain names


BNS Module - Transfer

Users can easily transfer names to others.


BNS Module - Security

Users may set levels of access to their blockchain name


BNS Module - Activity

Users can easily monitor all activity directly from the control panel


BNS Module - Applications

Applications give the users more options when using their blockchain names


BNS Module - Blockchain Wallet

Users can utilize our built in blockchain wallet features


BNS Module - Metaverse Game Tokens

Metaverse Game Tokens offer full service credit services for avatars


BNS Module - Addon Products

Additional addon products are designed to give resellers added revenue streams.


BNS Module - Social Profile

Social profiles allow users to assign a display name, profile image and cover image.


BNS Module - Social Profile

Social profiles are decentralized IPFS files assigned to your blockchain name.


BNS Module - Social Data

We offer a variety of social data options from news to interactive blog websites.


BNS Module - Social Friends

Your friends are controlled by you and managed by your blockchain name.


BNS Module - Social Media Gallery

Media Gallery is a collection of images and media hosted on the IPFS network.


BNS Module - Social Media Posts

Social Media posts are controled by you and managed via your blockchain name.


BNS Module - Social Media Networks

Connecting to a network is easy. You grant access to the network.


BNS Module - Lookup Menu Social Network

A view of the Social Network - Lookup Menu


BNS Module - Public Keys

Public Key assingments help users manage their wallet addresses and other public keys.


BNS Module - IPFS Files

Assignments of IPFS data files are at the center of our system.


BNS Module - Metaverse Assets

Metaverse takes on a big part of the WEB3 space and we are building more connectivity for users


BNS Module - Metaverse Digital Assets

Metaverse Assets


BNS Module - NFT Assets

As web3 grows, the ability for users to manage and control NFT assets is a vital part of the system.


BNS Module - Web URLs

Using a blockchain name to easily assign web2 website url links.
